The i sea, i care Ambassador Journey
Being an i sea, i care Ambassador is a year-long journey of discovery, leadership and personal growth.
Peer teaching is a vital part of an Ambassador’s job. We train four Ambassadors in each school, and they work with hundreds, collectively reaching close to 20,000 early-grade students every year with stories of Victoria’s marine treasures. (above image)
Public speaking is one of the biggest fears for most adults, so it’s little wonder that peer teaching is both a challenge and a growth opportunity for many of our ambassadors.
At a recent workshop, one very shy Ambassador was so anxious about presenting that she burst into tears. Our team and other Ambassadors supported her and found a way to keep her involved.
Once back in her own school, she gradually gained confidence.
Not long after, when the same Ambassador realised her Mum had arranged an appointment clashing with her group’s peer teaching session, she had the appointment changed, so she didn’t miss out! A great win that we understand had knock-on effects on her wider classwork.
A crucial part of our program is that it gives students who aren’t natural leaders a chance to develop into their roles as Ambassadors.
Guess what?
Most of the younger students want to become Ambassadors when they reach grade 5 or 6 – so it also helps to create the next generation of inspired young leaders.
It is life-changing for some Ambassadors, and we see them return as university interns.
Images: Learning about indigenous culture and Ambassador award recipients (above). Analysis of water bugs to assess pollution and waterway cleanup (below).