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Environmental LeadershipSpecial

Our Leadership Role

By 21/12/2014January 16th, 2022No Comments

DRI is known for our environmental leadership. With over twenty-five years of experience, we are widely regarded as the ‘go-to’ organisation for government and non-government organisations alike.

This is demonstrated by DRI developing and leading the new National Dolphin Health Monitoring Program.

We have also taken a very strong leadership role in coastal pollution on the Ministerial Taskforce for the Cleaner Yarra and Port Phillip.

DRI has been instrumental in developing the Regional Coastal Plan for the Central Region (covering both bays). This provides a long-term plan to address the impacts of climate change and a projected population growth of 4.5 million for Melbourne.

 DRI believes that the Port of Hastings should only proceed if it can be shown to be environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. We are on the environmental reference panel of the port consultation.

It is important to reinforce here that DRI will always rely on science and credible evidence to inform our approach and position on issues.  We will never jump on bandwagons and will always critically assess claims, from all sides, about the key issues that affect the future of our dolphins and their environment.

December, 2014

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