Marinna’s calf is one of the first born into the third generation since they entered Port Phillip in 2005. There are now six calves of this new generation.
The success of mothers and calves is critical knowledge about the health of dolphin communities. In many parts of the world, including Australia, calves do not survive beyond two years.
Future impacts from rapidly changing climate and population growth make the Institute’s long-term research crucial to detecting changes in our dolphins – before it’s too late.
The detective work to discover Marinna’s survival and her ‘third-generation’ calf was thanks to the painstaking efforts of our 2022 Research Fellows, Leanne and Ella. They analysed tens of thousands of images to track Marinna back to 2012 and her mother, Jean, back to 2007.
The Research Fellow program provides young scientists with a start to their careers and contributes to our ability to achieve impacts for our dolphins and whales.
Your gift to the ‘Future Generations’ Appeal will support young researchers and ensure that crucial up-to-date knowledge about the health of Marinna’s community of dolphins can influence environmental managers.
We cherish your support and commit to achieving the most significant impact for dolphins, whales, and the community.
Make your gift in the form below…