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Helping to keep dolphins and whales healthy

Your Invitation

The Chairman of the Dolphin Research Institute, Mr Paul Ramadge, invites you to join the Chairman’s Circle, a coterie of leading Victorians who share the institute’s passion for protecting our treasured dolphins and whales. With your support, we can ensure that the work of this critically important not-for-profit charity benefits future generations. This portal is only accessible to invitees.

Your Commitment

Your tax-deductible gift of $2000 will make a huge difference as we strive to improve the impact and sustainability of the Institute.

You will be among the foundation members of the Chairman’s Circle and once you are on board our Chairman Paul Ramadge will welcome you and discuss the exciting plans for the Institute’s work.

Paul would welcome your call on 0417 314 085 or email – (or through Expression of Interest Form).

Join or Express Your Interest in the Chairman's Circle Program HERE


We respect your privacy and will never share your details with a third party, or mention your interest and support without your permission. DRI is a signatory to the Fundraising Institute of Australia’s Code of Ethics.