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Your support helps build a caring community

Be a Dolphin Researcher for a Day!

Do you have a budding marine biologist or somebody who loves dolphins and whales in your pod?

Do we have a program for your youngsters on 15 and 17 January (10.00-11.30) at our Centre in the Western Port Marina in Hastings.

It’s a time-proven program that first trains up our budding scientists with some stories and games to learn about where baby dolphins come from, how they find their way in the dark, what they eat and why some dolphins get picked on!

Then, they become a researcher and help identify individuals from photos of fins. This is where grandparents, parents and older siblings help the younger ones in a hive of activity.

For those interested, we are happy to discuss career options and pathways.

Please book using the form below, email our education team, or call the office after 8 January.

Spaces are limited, so don’t miss out.

Contact Details


Event Details

Which Program do you wish to book?

Booking and Payment

Please note that this program is carefully structured to involve adults and children working together - consequently we ask everyone school-age and above to join in and pay. We also understand that toddlers may need a parent to step outside for a change.
Price: $ 16.00
Price: $ 16.00
Payment Method
Supported Credit Cards: MasterCard, Visa