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In the lead-up to World Environment Day on Sunday 5th June, we hosted a daily ISIC Ambassador ICHAT series, and our Ambassadors are in for a real treat with a different presenter each day from some awesome people who work and volunteer in marine conservation!
With the Humpback migration now underway the timing was perfect for our first presenter, the fantastic David Donnelly, who is the DRI’s own Field Research Officer! David wears many hats as a marine researcher and he oversees various citizen science projects including the local Two Bays Whale Project and Killer Whales Australia.
David thrilled our Ambassadors with stories of his many dolphin and whale encounters, and we all learned so much about the different dolphin and whale species! We also learned about particular locations and seasons for sighting dolphins and whales, alongside some of the issues these beautiful creatures face due to a changing climate and increasing human populations along our coasts.
The Ambassadors had some amazing questions for David regarding how they can help our dolphins and whales! One fantastic way to help raise awareness and contribute to whale (in winter) and dolphin (anytime) identification is to log your sightings with us at Podwatch on the following link:
The session was recorded and has been emailed to your parent/carers. We will also post a link on the DRI page very soon.